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Manuela Taddeo vince il NY Golden Tiers Award 2017


New York, First Annual Golden Tier Awards

Golden Tiers Awards 2017
Golden Tiers Awards 2017

First Annual Golden Tier Awards
 Il 13/06/2017 sono stati consegnati a New York per il primo anno i "Golden tiers Awards 2017", fortemente voluti da Lisa Mansour della NY Cake Academy e dalla rivista American Cake Decorating.
Dopo l'attenta valutazione da parte di una numerosa giuria di professionisti del settore della Pasticceria e del Cake Design, siamo lieti di annunciare che Manuela Taddeo ha ricevuto questo importante riconoscimento nella categoria  "SPENCE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN ROYAL ICING"

Alla consegna del premio Manuela ha voluto esprimere il profondo riconoscimento al suo Maestro Sir. Eddie Spence MBE e alla famiglia e collega Barbara per il sostegno ricevuto.

Riportiamo a seguito la traccia del discorso:
"First of all I'd like to thank Lisa Mansour and American Cake Decorating for allowing me to be here tonight, in New York, with some amazing sugar artist. It's a great honour and pleasure to rice I've this prestigious award. I would like to begin by thinking my husband, my family and my colligue Barbara Borghi for all their support and encouragement. When I encounter the Cake Design, 5 years ago, my life completely changed: I left my architectural job and chose a new way to realize my dream that make me happy and free in order to express myself. I want to dedicate this award to a marvelous man, a magnificent teacher who was my guiding light on this road of mine.

Sir Eddie Spence taught me that the strength of passion for this work could conquer all adversity, including the passage of time. The time that has been given to us is precious and requires all courage and energy to realize all wich is unique and wonderful, wich seems to above our limits. This award that carries his name, has a special significance for me.
Thank you."


Tags: Cake Design festival, WEDDING, WEDDINGKE

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MABANUBY Cake Design di B. Borghi e C.
Barbara 392.4781713 - Manuela 339.2607169 | email:
Sede legale: via M.Lessona 6, 20157 Milano - Laboratorio: via F. Palizzi 119/c, 20157 Milano - P.iva 08553760961
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